Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. Councillor Allen.
2. Councillor Lowe.
3. Councillor Winter.
4. Councillor Peter Berry.
5. Councillor Evonne Berry.
6. Councillor Baxter.
7. Councillor Rehman.
8. Councillor Troup.
9. Councillor Chera.
10. Councillor Bolton.
11. Councillor Latham.
12. Councillor MacDonald.
13. Councillor Skelton.
14. Councillor Carr.
15. Councillor Travis.
16. Councillor Turner.
17. Councillor Ahern.
18. Councillor Graves.
19. Councillor Hird.
20. Councillor Care.
21. Councillor Jackson.
22. Councillor Leeming.
23. Councillor Bayliss.
24. Councillor Wynn.